
Change is coming: MEtamorphosis

Here goes: Easter season (Lent), 1972= I was 9 months old and contracted spinal meningitis. My fever spiked at 107 degrees after being driven by the doctor himself from his office to the hospital in BR, submerged in an alcohol bath, and quarantined. The doctor told my parents IF I survived I would be deaf, dumb, blind, all three or any combination of. It's a miracle I am alive, Easter season 1988=At age 15, I was admitted into drug rehab and after the 30 days my parents were told by doctors and counselors I had a "life long disease with no cure, addiction. 30 days is not long enough she needs more." I was sent to a halfway an hour away in Opelousas, I stayed there almost a year.  It was the first time I ever in my life missed a holiday with my family because I was too new for a pass.  Also to add, this is when my dad went to work on my behalf in other ways too after hearing the dr. and counselors diagnosis.   Easter season 1989=Having recently returned home from the halfw

🌍✈️ Unveiling the Expedition Emporium Travel Wash Set – Because Adventure Awaits and Hygiene Shouldn't Be Left Behind! 🚿🧴

  Get yours from my new online store  Expedition Emporium Ahoy, fellow wanderlust enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the realm of travel essentials with the Expedition Emporium Travel Wash Set – the absolute game-changer for jet setters, road trippers, and spontaneous adventurers alike! πŸ‘œ  Compact Marvels for On-the-Go Glam:  Picture this: You're exploring the enchanting streets of Paris, and suddenly, you feel the urge to freshen up and unleash your inner glamazon. Fear not! Our travel wash set is the superhero in compact disguise, ready to rescue you from any unexpected odyssey. Get yours at  Expedition Emporium 🌈  Colors Galore – Because Variety is the Spice of Travel:  Our travel wash set comes in three chic colors – black, white, and green. Choose your travel companion wisely and let your style shine even in the most exotic locales. After all, who says toiletries can't be as fashionable as your vacation wardrobe? πŸš—  For Men, Women, and Everyone in Between:  Ladie

Wanderlust and Wellness: Finding Balance on the Go When Traveling

  Wanderlust and Wellness: Finding Balance on the Go When Traveling Greetings, fellow adventurers! It's another Wednesday, and you know what that means – time to prioritize your well-being while embracing the thrill of travel. Today, we're unraveling the secrets of maintaining equilibrium on the road with our "Wednesday Wellness" guide. Healthy On The Go Snacks 1. Pack Your Healthy Habits: No need to bid farewell to your wellness routine just because you're on the move. For our gym enthusiasts, ensure your workout gear is nestled next to your travel essentials. Pack those running shoes, resistance bands, or whatever gets your heart pumping. 2. Culinary Adventures with a Twist: Traveling is about indulging in new tastes, but that doesn't mean abandoning your commitment to a healthy diet. For our gym buffs, seek out protein-rich local dishes to fuel your muscles and maintain the balance between culinary exploration and fitness goals. 3. Active Explorations: T

Snap Happier: Unveiling the Secret to Stunning Travel Photos!

  Happy Monday, fellow wanderers! 🌎✨ Today, let's dive into the magical world of travel photography and uncover the secrets to capturing jaw-dropping, envy-inducing snapshots that'll make your friends wonder, "How did they do that?" πŸ“Έ The Early Bird Gets the Perfect Shot Ever heard the saying, "The early bird catches the worm"? Well, the early traveler catches the most breathtaking sunrise photos! Set that alarm, beat the crowds, and bask in the warm hues of a sunrise that even your camera will thank you for. πŸ•Ά️ Shade Seekers Unite Sunshine is splendid, but sometimes it can be a little too much of a good thing. Seek out natural shade or create your own with a stylish hat. Your photos will thank you for the flattering, soft lighting that turns every shot into a masterpiece. πŸ“Έ Off-Center, On Point Who said your subject needs to be the solo star? Let it share the spotlight with its surroundings! Embrace the off-center approach and watch your photos trans

🌟✈️ Breaking News: Reserve Now Pay Later Options! 🏯🚒

Hey fellow travel enthusiasts, buckle up because we've got some mind-blowing news that will have you reaching for your suitcase faster than you can say "adventure awaits"! 🧳🌍 Guess what? Viator, the ultimate wizard in the realm of tours and experiences, just dropped a bomb of pure travel brilliance. Hold onto your hats, dear travel enthusiasts! Now you can reserve the most enchanting experiences without a single dime upfront! πŸ°πŸ’« And here's the kicker – this magic wand of a deal is exclusively available through travel agents! πŸ§™‍♂️✨ Yep, you heard it right. As your trusty travel advisor, I've got the keys to this treasure trove of 300,000+ tours, and we're unlocking the Reserve Now, Pay Later spell just for you. Imagine strolling through the bustling streets of Paris, savoring the delectable aroma of croissants without worrying about your wallet. Or maybe diving into the vibrant underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef, all while your bank account stays h